Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Treatments While Traveling

While on vacation I really worked on keeping up with my treatments, although I was not completely successful. It is challenging on vacation, because we were away from our hotel so much. It was hard to schedule treatments, but I always made sure to plan them out at some point during the day. I was 100% with pulmozyme. Sadly, this is the only treatment that I can say I didn't miss. I only missed one sinus rinse, which was the first night on the train. I missed almost all of my evening vitamins, but didn't miss any of the morning doses. And I was really bad at using the Acapella. I need a better plan when traveling to avoid missing any treatments. But I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, just learn on how to improve.

What I didn't expect was a slump in treatments once I returned home. Now, I have not missed any treatments, but it took a few days to get back in to my routine. It was like being away and being off schedule followed me home. I found myself not sticking the the regularly scheduled out times for my treatments. And I am still slacking with the Acapella.

And yes, this will be the last blog related to vacation.


  1. It sounds like you did a really good job staying focused on your vacation.

    I never rode a train. Is it fun?

  2. I hear ya! It's so hard to get it all in on days when your super busy. You'll get into the routine again! Love Ya!

  3. I like the neb pic. :-) Glad to hear everything is going so well and that you've found a regimine that works for you. That's half the battle really.

    Big hugs buddy!
