Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Work-Out Wednesdays- Exercise Essentials

I have been dedicated to a consistent work-out plan for about 10 years now (with a few exceptions, like recovering from back surgery). The toughest part about keeping a successful exercise program, for me, has been staying motivated and not getting bored. I have found a few exercise essentials that keep me going and help me make it through my work-outs and reach my goals.

I can divide up my exercise essentials into two categories: the essential equipment needed to assist with a good workout and the mental mind-set I use to keep myself going back out there day to day. Although not all equipment is applicable to all forms of exercise, generally, this is what I need for a successful work out program.


The water bottle- whether I am in Yoga, the pool or on the elliptical, if I don't have water to stay hydrated, I know I will not make it through. Water is probably the most important part of my work-out.

Good shoes-vital to a good walk, bike ride, or elliptical. I try to buy new shoes every 6-9 months.

MP3 Player-I need good, motivating, get-pumped music for hitting up the gym. I have about 10 play lists right now that I shuffle through. But there is nothing like putting together a new play list to get me excited about getting to the gym.

Pony Tail Holder- I never realized how important this small detail was until I forgot a pony tail holder one day. Having my hair in my face and on my neck while working out is the worse feeling. I couldn't even finish what I was doing it was so annoying. Ever since then, I keep lots of extras in my purse and the car.

Mental Mind-Set

First, I always set out a realistic schedule for the week. I look ahead and plan out three or four days that I can commit to getting in a good hour of exercise.

Second, I have learned to go to the gym straight from work. Going home first sets in a higher probability of making an excuse not to go to the gym, especially if it is raining. Even worse, waiting until the evening (after dinner) is almost a guarantee that I'll flake.

Third, I reward myself. I love sitting in the hot tub after a good work-out. Giving myself something to look forward too is very motivating. Ok, and yes sometimes I will reward myself with a treat, like an iced coffee or scoop of ice cream.

I have found that all of these things really help to keep me on track with my goals for getting in regular exercise at least four days a week.
Next Wednesday: Exercise and Vacation


  1. It helps me stay motivated to hear about other people's commitment to exercise, so thank you :)I agree 100% with the mental mind set items...working out its such a mental thing!

  2. Good Job! And cute pants! :)

  3. Great post! I think you hit all the essentials. I just need to add some kind of electrolyte supplement and food to keep going. And despite what Dr. I -Don't-Know-What-I'm-Talking-About says, exercise *WILL* help us improve (or at least maintain) our health!
